Acute Illness
As in conventional medicine, with an acute illness we first take a case history and examine the patient to make a diagnosis. This is important to decide whether homeopathic treatment is indicated or not.
Then we usually request the yellow-highlighted Key Symptoms in the Checklist of our Polarity Analysis Software (Tools). Alternatively the patient can download the checklist from the website, fill it out at home and bring it to the consultation. Key symptoms are the 32 most frequently observed polar symptoms, which have a major influence on remedy selection. This concept arose during the Covid-19 pandemic and has definitely proved its worth.
Dosage: Generally patients are given the first dose of the best indicated remedy in the potency 200 C while they are still in the practice. In addition patients are given a reserve dose of the second best remedy, which should only be taken if there is not at least a 50 % improvement in symptoms after two days.
So that we always have a current assessment of the results of our treatment, we periodically conduct prospective outcome studies. In order to compare these with earlier studies, precise endpoints had to be defined. These are always the same:
First hit: symptom improvement of at least 50% within 48 hours
Second hit: improvement with the reserve remedy within the following 48 hours
No reaction: improvement after four days less than 50% 🡪 new casetaking
The following graphic shows a summary of the results of various outcome studies analysing a total of 223 acutely ill patients. The evaluation included patients with influenza, otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, infection of the upper and lower airways as well as gastroenteritis.
N.B.: Current dosage schedule for acute illness: Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we administer the best remedy for three days in increasing potency – 200 C, M and XM. If the improvement by the fourth day is still below 50%, the patient is instructed to take the reserve remedy, also in the potency 200 C.